Cherry Blossom Season 2021

After an Excellent week of PR and 5Ks, I decided to go on a long 10 mile walk.

This is how my day went!


My goal was to use this 10 mile walk as a low impact cardio session to the end of my weekly training routine. Walking is low impact cardio that is accessible and easy to recover from. It is a cardio activity that can help improve recovery from higher impact activities such as HITT Cardio, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jujitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling or No Gi.

In addition to its low impact nature, walking uses your fat stores directly instead of your glycogen stores to fuel the activity. Which is excellent because this is spring and tournament season is around the corner. (Today is 04.10.21) Cutting fat is important when competing and overall training quality. Walking is a simple way to lose pure fat and retain the muscle mass you've work so hard to gain.

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